
发布时间:2024-11-04 22:53  浏览量:27






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"Little H's Chat (3): An Overview of International Trade Practices"

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二、精读内容(Intensive Reading Content)


international trade practice is a discipline that specializes in the study of the speCIFic processes of international commodity exchange. It is a practical science that closely integrates theory and practice and has distinct characteristics of foreign-related activities.


It involves the application of basic principles and knowledge in disciplines such as international trade theory and policy, international trade law and customs, international finance, international cargo transportation and insurance, and foreign trade statistics and accounting.


Compared to domestic trade, the transaction process, conditions, trade practices, and issues involved in international trade are much more complex. Its prominent features are long lines, broad coverage, many links, high difficulty, and significant risks. In light of this, we believe that against the backdrop of the world economy becoming increasingly internationalized and globalized, and Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs needing to engage in the vast ocean of the world economy to ride the waves, learning, understanding, and becoming familiar with international trade practice knowledge should become a "compulsory course" for our country's entrepreneurs, traders, financiers, economics faculty and students, and all those engaged in economic work.


1.贸易磋商(Trade negotiation):

这是国际贸易的起始阶段,买卖双方通过各种通讯方式(如电子邮件、传真等)就商品的品质、数量、价格、包装、交货期等交易条件进行协商。其中,发盘和接受是两个关键的法律行为。发盘是一方(发盘人)向另一方(受盘人)提出购买或出售某种商品的各项交易条件,并表示愿意按这些条件与对方达成交易、订立合同的行为。例如,卖方发盘:“本公司可供 1000 台笔记本电脑,型号为 XX,单价为 500 美元 / 台,CIF 纽约港,交货期为明年 3 月,限 11 月 10 日前复到有效。” 接受则是受盘人在发盘的有效期内,无条件地同意发盘的全部内容,并愿意按这些条件与发盘人达成交易、订立合同的一种表示。

This is the initial stage of international trade, where buyers and sellers negotiate the terms of trade such as the quality, quantity, price, packaging, and delivery date of goods through various communication methods (such as email, fax, etc.). Among these, making an offer and acceptance are two key legal acts. An offer is the act of one party (the offeror) proposing to another party (the offeree) the terms of buying or selling a certain commodity and expressing a willingness to enter into a transaction and contract with the other party on these terms. For example, a seller's offer: "Our company can supply 1000 laptops, model XX, at a unit price of $500 each, CIF New York Port, with a delivery date of next March, valid if replied by November 10th." Acceptance is the offeree's unconditional agreement to all the terms of the offer within its validity period and a willingness to enter into a transaction and contract with the offeror on these terms.

2.合同签订(Contract signing):


Once both parties have reached an agreement through negotiation, they will sign a contract. A contract is a legal document that stipulates the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller, and its content should be clear, specific, and complete. There are various forms of international trade contracts, with written contracts and electronic contracts being common. The content of a written contract generally includes the preamble (the beginning part of the contract, including the contract name, number, names and addresses of both parties, etc.), the main body (terms such as the name, quality specifications, quantity, packaging, price, delivery date, mode of transportation, insurance, payment method, etc.), and the postscript (the end part of the contract, including the number of copies of the contract, the language used and its effectiveness, signatures, etc.).

3.合同履行(Contract fulfillment):

对于出口商来说,主要的任务包括备货、报验、租船订舱、报关、投保、装船并发装船通知等。以 CIF(成本、保险费加运费)术语为例,出口商需要按照合同规定的品质、数量准备货物,并向检验检疫机构申请检验。在货物备好后,要安排运输,预订合适的船舶舱位。同时,要办理出口报关手续,向保险公司投保货物运输保险。装船后,要及时向进口商发送装船通知,告知货物已经装船的情况。对于进口商而言,主要是付款赎单、收货和报关提货等环节。进口商在收到银行的付款通知后,要按照合同约定的支付方式付款,取得货运单据,然后在货物到达目的港后办理进口报关手续,提取货物。

For exporters, the main tasks include preparing goods, inspection and verification, chartering and booking shipping space, customs declaration, insurance, loading and sending shipping notices, etc. Taking the CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) term as an example, the exporter needs to prepare goods according to the quality and quantity stipulated in the contract and apply for inspection to the inspection and quarantine institution. After the goods are ready, arrange for transportation and book suitable shipping space. At the same time, handle export customs declaration procedures and insure the cargo transportation with an insurance company. After loading, promptly send a shipping notice to the importer to inform them of the loading status. For importers, the main tasks are to pay and redeem documents, receive goods, and customs declaration and cargo collection. After receiving the payment notice from the bank, the importer must pay according to the payment method stipulated in the contract, obtain the freight documents, and then handle import customs declaration procedures and collect the goods after the goods arrive at the destination port.






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